GESI Audit in Lumbini Province
  • 4H-Nepal

4-H Nepal audited GESI audit in 22 municipalities and 8 Ministries during 3 years with partnering Province Training Academy (PTA) and Provincial governments. The audit focused on the inclusion of gender equality and social inclusion as one of seven Strategic Objectives in the Strategy and Results Framework has been an important factor in Increasing the visibility and importance of gender in the budget, plan and much more.

300 local government representatives, government officials and stakeholders attended at GESI audit workshop. 4-H Nepal completed the GESI Audit of 10 municipalities of the Rupandehi and Kapilvastu districts. Prepared the audit report of Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City, Tilottama Municipality, Sainamaina Municipality, Gadhawa Municipality, Omsatiya Municipality, Mayadevi Rural Municipality, Kotahimahi Municipality, Ramgram Municipality Pratappur Rural Municipality and Susta Rural Municipality.

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