E-rickshaw voter education campaign in Terai
  • 4H-Nepal

E- Rickshaw Voter Education Campaign trained volunteers were divided into 28 groups. Each group consists of 2 volunteers i.e. one male and one female from the same district. The program for a day ended with the dissemination of information about things to be taken in the election. The same process continued for the 3 days. In total, 4200+ people were assisted and 84 communities were reached.

The main aim of this program is aware and inform locals about the voting process, and structure of the ballot through E-rickshaw Voter Education Campaign with Mock Poll Events. Each team booked rickshaws and other required materials for the campaign i.e. sound system, mike. On their way to the community, they played songs related to voter education dubbed in Maithali, Bhojpuri, and Nepali to reach out to more people.

After reaching the community, the volunteers first disseminated information on local elections and their importance, voting rights and the importance of local involvement in the election which was followed by a description of the structure of the voting papers: how to cast a vote without being disqualified. A practice session Youth Mock Poll was also organized. This camaign supported by IFES and collaboration with Election Commission Nepal .

Highlights of program

District Covered: 7

Community covered-84

Beneficiaries reached-4501

Male – 2188 female 2407

Volunteers mobilized-56

Groups mobilized-28

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