Child psychology interaction and sharing
  • 4H-Nepal

The 4-H Nepal organized an interaction and sharing session on child psychology among the school children in Banke district. Youth, children, guardians and teachers all sit together to identify the problems of the students in school, the gap among parents, students and the school. The interaction discussed about interests of the children, expectations of the school from the students and guardians and vice-versa. Caring and sharing of the children at school and at home were discussed. The event proved to be fruitful in knowing about the problems and areas of improvement in regard to the relationship among students, parents, school and teachers.

children, earthquake survivors

One-day psycho-social counselling was given to some 200 schoolchildren in Kavre district. The counselling was organized immediately after the earthquake as the children were in trauma and fear. Different experts and renowned persons like Dr. Chintamani Yogi, among others, provided psycho-social counselling.


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