4-H Nepal is a youth engrossed and youth lead national organization of Nepal. 4-H Nepal, 2014 is hereby constituted to register under the Nepal Association Registration act 1977. It is non-governmental, nonprofit and independent organization.
4-H Nepal is the first registered 4-H organization in South Asia. Nepal is leading 4-H Campaign towards the India, Sir Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives and Afghanistan.
4-H represent, Head – managing and thinking skills, Heart – relating and caring skills, Hands working and giving skills and Health- living and being skills.
It helps young people learn and grow through a national process, which are builds competence, confidence, connection, compassion and character. Through 4-H Nepal, young people are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities that emphasize 4-H’s “learning by doing” philosophy of youth development.
Positive Youth Development (PYD), Youth Adult Partnership (YAP) and Inspire, Empower and Engage (IEE) approaches are main tools for youth development. For ensure the youth participant in community to national level and partnering with government, private sector and civil society.