About us

4-H is the largest youth campaign in the world, actively engaging in youth empowerment and agricultural interventions. The organization is registered in fifty-one countries, including an official registration in Nepal in 2014. The first Global 4-H Network Summit was held in South Korea in 2014, followed by the second summit in Canada in 2017.

4-H Nepal has its interventions in youth, youth entrepreneurship, agriculture, policy advocacy on youth empowerment, democracy, and good governance. Of the four ‘H’s that are linked to 4-H, the first H indicates head (managing and thinking skills), the second H indicates heart (relating and caring skills), the third H indicates hands (working and giving skills), and the fourth H indicates health (living and being skilled).

4-H Nepal interventions contribute to ensuring the participation of youth and people from marginalized and vulnerable communities in the mainstream of development. Furthermore, it aims to inspire young individuals to engage in activities that underscore the 4-H’s philosophy of “learning by doing” in youth development.

4-H Nepal gives its special focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their implementation in Nepal.

4-H Nepal gives priority to Goal No.

1: No Poverty

2: Zero Hunger 

3: Good Health and Well-Being

5: Gender Equality

 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth 

 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure 

 10: Reduced Inequality

12: Responsible Consumption and Production 

13: Climate Action

16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions


  • Healthy, happy, thriving youth who make a positive difference in the country
  • A prosperous Nepal where youth and adults learn, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive changes
  • Elimination of disparity and discrimination among youth
  • Bringing youth of the marginalized and vulnerable community into the mainstream of developmental activities and equally empowering them


To provide and facilitate youth with intentional, high-quality learning experiences that promote positive interactions among adults and peers, sustained and active participation, and opportunities to make meaningful contributions to the development of the country.


  • To promote positive youth development and a youth-adult partnership approach in each development program to ensure youth participation and empowerment
  • To promote youth awareness and capacity-building initiatives to make them self-reliant
  • To encourage youth, marginalized, and vulnerable communities to develop agro-entrepreneurship to promote the production and consumption of healthy, hygienic, and organic food items.
  • To make youth competitive and capable by providing them with all the required skills, innovation, and technology
  • To make youth more accountable and responsible towards their duties to society and the nation by promoting civic education and morality.

Core Values

  • 4-H programs are based on principles and practices for the positive development of youth.
  • 4-H programs provide opportunities for youth to experience mastery, belong to society, and be independent and generous.
  • Experiential learning forms the basis for the “learning by doing approach among youth. The major approaches applied in the development of youth in 4-H are: i) Positive Youth Development (PYD) ii) Youth-Adult Partnership (YAP) iii) Inspiring, Empowering and Engaging (IEE) iv) Farming Therapy



    4-H Nepal collaborates with the Government of Nepal, national and international non-governmental organizations, private sector, and civil society organizations, as well as networks and alliances to ensure the active participation of youth and individuals from marginalized and vulnerable communities in activities at both grassroots and national levels.

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