Korea 4-H Headquarters is hosting ‘the International 4-H Youth Winter Camp 2024′ which will be dedicated to the progress of the Asia 4-H youth movement through participating countries’ international cooperation in the Asia 4-H Network.
We know that the International 4-H Youth Winter Camp was a great success with good memories for all participants since it started in 2011 over 6 times. Now Korea 4-H is restarting a new version of the International 4-H Youth Winter Camp 2024 with Asian 4-H friends’ strong demand. Your delegates’ participation would be much appreciated, and we hope that it will benefit all the 4-H programs across Asia.
To allow each participating 4-H youth from Asian countries to develop global leadership, cultural understanding, and better international 4-H partnerships in Asia.
To develop Asia 4-H Network for further international cooperation and exchange of information on 4-H youth development programs among Asian countries represented.
- Date: 19 to 23, 2024 (5 days)
- Venue : Korea 4-H Center(Seoul), Elysian Gangchon and Seoul Youth Hostel
- Theme: “New Beginning for the Future
- Expected participants: around 60 persons from around 10 Countries in Asia
- Korean Participants: 10 persons / Foreign Participants: 60 persons
- Host: Korea 4-H Headquarters, supported by the Rural Development Administration