Training on Growing Saffron Indoors
  • 4H-Nepal

4-H Rampur, in collaboration with 4-H Nepal, organized a webinar on the topic of “Growing of Saffron Indoor” on March 16, 2021, at 4 p.m. The webinar was conducted with the aim of exploring new techniques for agriculture entrepreneurship for youth in Nepal by exchanging knowledge and experience through presentations. The webinar tried to include as many participants as possible, including youth, who had a great interest in agriculture and technology. We can’t deny the fact that saffron is the most valuable and irreplaceable thing in the world. Saffron’s numerous qualities in the medicinal sector and its expensive value give it a unique status among industrial and export products. Moreover, it can tolerate a variety of soil pHs (6–8). So, the webinar helped to illuminate that saffron growing can be another possibility in agriculture and medicinal perspectives. Although the growing process should have been a practical session, it was done through a webinar, as it would have been impossible for the speaker and participants to show that in the real world, saffron growing was not so well practised in Nepal. But the speaker was from Iran and had great experience in the field of saffron growing, as we all know that Iran is the largest producer and exporter of saffron production. Altogether, 35 participants took the session to the end.

Guest of the Event:
Chief guest: Assistant Professor, Pankaj Raj Dhital
Speaker: Mr. Aardalan Ghilavi, Agriculture and Natural Resources Engineering Organization of Tehran Province, Iran
Guest speaker: Pankaj Raj Dhital (assistant professor of the Department of Agriculture Extension and Rural Sociology).

The outcome of the webinar
Youths are acquainted with the importance of saffron cultivation in today’s world, and participants are aware of the unique status of saffron among industrial and export products. Helps It helps youth brainstorm about the cultivation practices of saffron. Give knowledge about indoor cultivation of saffron and the major determinants of high yield. Explore new ideas in agro-entrepreneurship in Nepal. Participants were basically from the agriculture mainstream; therefore, effective interaction was held. On the webinar, we discussed how to grow the saffron indoors. This webinar gives an idea of how to utilize the small area to grow the most expensive products. It highlights the importance of saffron marketing and what the major determinants are to grow them wisely without any loss.

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