Online Workshop on Assistant ship and Research Opportunities
  • 4H-Nepal

4H Nepal IAAS section successfully conducted a fruitful webinar on ` Assistantship and Research Opportunities` with speaker “Miss. Asmita Nagila” on 24 October 2020 via Zoom app with almost 40 participants. Speaker Miss. Asmita Nagila talked about the NAPA (Association of Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas) like how to approach an assistantship, the criteria that should be followed while applying for grants in NAPA, different scholarship opportunities, how to connect with professors and so on.

Agri –quest was held 2 times one on 21st August 2020 on information about Oriental Fruit flies and another was on 26th August 2020 on Slugs and Snails. Agriquest was held to provide more information about insects which will harm the farmer’s field. The information gave an idea about its identification and different management techniques.

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